Nature Photographer

Uwe Michael Neumann

Nature Photographer

This website is all about my photographic journey of little-known places, people and animals, throughout Africa.
If you are interested in nature and travelling, this site is for you. Feel free to browse, click on the portfolio and enjoy the photos.
If you would like to purchase a photo please contact me.



In the Ghetto

Bastos, Yaounde

Dusty Red Road


Agama Agama on a Rock

Cameroon - Its size varies from 13 to 30 cm (5.1 to 11.8 in) in total length.[5] Males are typically 7.5–12.5 cm (3–5 inches) longer than the average female. The agama lizard can be identified by having a white underside, brown back limbs and a tail with a light stripe down the middle. The stripe on the tail typically possesses about six to seven dark patches along its side. Females, adolescents and subordinate males have an olive green head, while a dominant male have a blue body and yellow/orange tail (Wikipedia).

Flooding in Douala

Douala, Cameroon - These are the outskirts of the harbour city of Douala which are subject to floodings

Three Drongos Building their Nests

Cameroon - Square-tailed Drongo

The Eye of the Drongo

Cameroon, Africa - Square-tailed Drongo

Drongo Watching You

Cameroon - Square-tailed Drongo

Drongo in a Wreath

Cameroon, Africa - Square-tailed Drongo

Sunbird on a plant

Cameroon - Northern Double-collared Sunbird (nominate) German: Preuss-Nektarvogel

Douala at night

Douala, Cameroon



Tropical Flower (Protea)

Yaounde, Cameroon

Ceremonial Elephant Mask of the Bamileke

Bamilike, Cameroon - Ceremonial Mask with Murano glass perls

Nde women

- Women at a meeting of the Nde community in their traditional attire in Yaoundé, Cameroun


Yaoundé, Cameroon

Tikar Bamoun coronation mask

Bamoun, Cameroon. - Wooden mask from the Tikar Bamoun in Cameroon. It was used as a ceremonial mask for the coronation of the king. It is from around 1880.

Lion V

“Flying” Agile Mangabey

Cameroon - Agile Mangabey

Coming Home

Kribi, Cameroon

Mount Cameroon II

Mount Cameroon, seen from Bioko island - Mount Cameroon, 4100 m, is the highest mountain in Cameroon.

German-built Bridge from Colonial Times over the Nyong River in Cameroon

Nyong River, Cameroon - Bridge built during colonial times. Cameroon was a German colony until 1919.

Three Women in the Shadow

Yaounde, Cameroon

Friends in the Street

Yaounde, Cameroon

Tree Tops

Mfoula, Cameroon

Jungle Land

Mfoula, Central Cameroon

Cacao in the Jungle

Mfoula, Central Cameroon

My photographic journey through Africa

When I arrived in Central Africa, colourful birds surrounded my house. I just needed to look out the window and point my camera.

My work brought me to Cameroon and other countries in Central Africa, like Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Chad, both Congos and the Central African Republic. I also visited Mauritania and the Republic of South Africa many times; absolutely fascinating.

During my travels I witnessed different landscapes, species, people and lifestyles.

Travelling in Africa is very different from travelling in Europe. It’s more dangerous, and takes more time so requires greater patience. Leading to more opportunities to take photos!

Most of my photos were taken spontaneously, often during travel or simply from my house. Some were taken in national parks and nature reserves.

I hope you will enjoy my photos as much as I have enjoyed taking them.

Contact Me

Uwe Michael Neumann
Berlin - Yaounde

    Imprint 2025 Uwe Michael Neumann Verantwortlich für den Inhalt der Website/responsible for the content of this website: Uwe Michael Neumann Photographer/Fotograf Berliner Str. 21 14169 Berlin FRG/Deutschland +4915129901466 USt-ld Nr. DE308268751 Für den Inhalt dieser Webseite und die darauf veröffentlichen Werke gilt deutsches Urheberrecht. Copyright: The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question.